杜甫(公元712年-公元770年),字子美,汉族,本襄阳人,后徙河南巩县。 自号少陵野老,唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,与李白合称“李杜”。为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”,杜甫也常被称为“老杜”。 Du Fu (712 BC - 770 BC), son of the word beauty, the Han nationality, the people of Xiangyang, after the resettlement Henan gongxian. Call himself Shaoling noe, the Tang Dynasty great realistic poet, and Li Bai called the Li Bai". For the other two poet Li Shangyin and Du Mu "Li Du" difference, Du Fu and Li Bai also referred to as the "big Li Bai", Du Fu is also often referred to as "old du". 杜甫在中国古典诗歌中的影响非常深远,被后人称为“诗圣”,他的诗被称为“诗史”。后世称其杜拾遗、杜工部,也称他杜少陵、杜草堂。 The influence of Du Fu in China in classical poetry is profound, was later known as a poet, his poem called "epic". The later said the Ministry, Du Du Shi, also called him, Du Du Shaoling cottage.